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2023年度N型电池技术发展与设备创新论坛     第四届全球钙钛矿与叠层电池(苏州)产业化论坛暨钙钛矿光伏学术+产业+资本融合创新年会
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2013-5-27 07:36| 发布者: 有机硅测试技术| 查看: 3231| 评论: 0

摘要: 始于1872,TUV莱茵140年的传奇故事仍在续写⋯ 自1872年成立以来,TUV莱茵一直为解决人类、环境和科技互动过程中出现的挑战开发安全持续的解决方案。我们坚信社会发展与科技进步相互依存,密不可分。莱茵140年旅程介 ...



1872 The Verein zur Überwachung der Dampfkessel (DÜV), an organization to inspect steam boilers, is founded. DÜV is the foundation of TÜV.
1876 The first elevator, a paternoster, begins service in London. Today, TÜV Rheinland inspects elevators around the world – including at the Shanghai World Financial Center, China's tallest building.
1881 The first electric train in continuous operation (tram) starts running in Berlin. TÜV Rheinland is still synonymous with safety and quality on tracks around the world today.
1900 DÜV inspects its first automobiles and administers driver's license tests.
DÜV 检验第一辆汽车并监督驾驶执照考试。

1918 DÜV expands its activities to include mining and energy.
DÜV 的业务延伸至矿产和能源领域。
1919 For the first time, DÜV tests machines used to fill carbonated drinks, soda, on behalf of public authorities.
DÜV 首次代表政府机构检测碳酸饮料和汽水机。
1926 DÜV opens its first chemical laboratory.
DÜV 启用其首间化学实验室。
1935 DÜV monitors electrical installations at cinemas, theatres and sports halls.
DÜV 监测电影院、剧院以及运动场的电子设备。
1941 The mother of all computers is presented by Konrad Zuse in Berlin. TÜV Rheinland is the leading inspection service provider for PC and laptop monitors today, with a market share of over 40% worldwide.
Konrad Zuse 在柏林演示电脑的“鼻祖”。 德国莱茵TÜV是提供个人电脑及笔记本电脑检测服务的翘楚,全球市场占有率超过四成。

1978 TÜV Rheinland opens an office in New York City (Region North America). North America is a strong market for industrial services, material tests, product safety and alternative energies.
德国莱茵TÜV 在纽约(北美地区)设立了办事处,该地区是工业服务、材料测试、产品安全及可替代能源的重要市场。
1978 TÜV Rheinland opens an office in Tokyo (Region Asia/Pacific). It specializes in product testing, as well as mobility and photovoltaics.
1986 The first branch is opened in Taiwan (Region Greater China) for product testing of sporting goods and household appliances, textiles, toys, industrial services and mobility.
1988 Establishes Hong Kong office and develops toy and chemical testing.
1989 A branch is founded in Shanghai. TÜV Rheinland aggressively develop business in China. Now TÜV Rheinland has more than 10 branches in China Mainland.

1989 A branch is founded in Budapest (Region Middle, Eastern, South East Europe). It specializes in the certification of quality and environmental management systems and IT security.
1993 Offices are opened in Argentina and Chile. Brazil follows in 1997.
1994 TÜV Rheinland develops the ECOPROOF Label for eco-friendly production free of harmful substances.
2006 The company joins the Global Compact of the United Nations. The international network is committed to human rights, labor standards, environmental protection and anticorruption around the globe.
2007 The establishment of a subsidiary in Australia sees TÜV Rheinland represented on all continents.
2009 With nine laboratories in Asia, the USA and Germany, TÜV Rheinland further strengthens its world market leadership in the photovoltaic industry.
在亚洲、美国和德国设立了9所新实验室,成为全球领先的太阳能测试机构 。




