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PPIC Speaker introduction 演讲嘉宾介绍:Kyumin Lee 博士(CSA)

2017-3-7 16:46| 发布者: solartest| 查看: 20788| 评论: 0|来自: Testpv

摘要: Speaker Introduction:Dr. Kyumin Lee(CSA) Dr. Kyumin Lee is the Chief Engineer at CFV Solar Test Laboratory, an ISO 17025-accredited photovoltaic test laboratory in New Mexico, United States. Dr ...
Speaker Introduction:Dr. Kyumin Lee(CSA)
Speaker: Kyumin Lee
Dr. Kyumin Lee is the Chief Engineer at CFV Solar Test Laboratory, an ISO 17025-accredited photovoltaic test laboratory in New Mexico, United States.
Dr. Lee is also a member of the US Technical Advisory Group to the IEC Technical Committee 82, where he is an active participant in the development of new IEC standards.
Prior to joining CFV in 2016, he worked as a researcher at Hyundai Heavy Industries in South Korea for 6 years, leading the development of PERC cell and module manufacturing processes. He has given numerous talks at the EU PVSEC and IEEE PVSC conferences, on the topic of PERC cells and modules.
Dr. Lee received his PhD degree in physics in 2008 from EPFL, Switzerland. His publications have been cited over 500 times.
PPIC Presentation topic:
PV module accelerated testing protocol for Quality Assurance programs
About CFV Labortary
As a subsidiary of the CSA group, CFV Solar Test Lab focuses on the performance and reliability testing of PV modules, and serves the whole spectrum of players in the photovoltaic industry from module manufacturers and project developers to independent engineers and banks.
演讲嘉宾介绍:Kyumin Lee 博士(CSA)
       Kyumin Lee 博士是位于美国新墨西哥州的CFV太阳能测试实验室首席工程师。他也是美国IEC技术委员会第82技术咨询工作组的成员,对于IEC新标准的制定做出了积极的贡献。在2016年加入CFV实验室之前,Kyumin Lee在韩国现代重工业担任研究员六年,领导了PERC电池的开发和组件制造工艺。一直以来,Kyumin Lee 博士为EU PVSEC, IEEE PVSC会议就PERC电池和组件专题作了多次演讲报告。
       Kyumin Lee博士于2008年在瑞士EPFL获得物理学博士学位,他的文章已经被引用了500次以上。
       CFV太阳能测试实验室是经ISO 17025授权的CSA集团实验室之一。实验室专注于光伏组件性能的可靠性测试,为光伏行业从组件制造、项目开发商到独立第三方工程及银行的全产业链服务。


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       余小姐    (+86)18017729437  jq.yu@testpv.com




