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2023年度N型电池技术发展与设备创新论坛     第四届全球钙钛矿与叠层电池(苏州)产业化论坛暨钙钛矿光伏学术+产业+资本融合创新年会


2013-6-3 08:47| 发布者: 硅胶板| 查看: 7063| 评论: 0|原作者: Song J. 编译

摘要: 第七届国际有机光伏学院将于2013年6月3-7日在意大利Ventotene 举行。会议将注重于有机及混合物光伏的最新科技,主要议题包括小分子、聚合物、染料太阳能电池。 来自学术界和有机、混合物光伏高科技工业的知名专家准 ...

       第七届国际有机光伏学院将于2013年6月3-7日在意大利Ventotene 举行。会议将注重于有机及混合物光伏的最新科技,主要议题包括小分子、聚合物、染料太阳能电池。

       来自学术界和有机、混合物光伏高科技工业的知名专家准备了高水平的介绍和资料,来自不同研究领域(化学、物理、工程)的人员聚集一起,为与会者展现一个奇妙的世界。本次会议主要针对PhD 博士,博士后研究及其他对此领域的新技术感兴趣的学者。同时,另一个专门设计的日程也为广大学生群体提供一个展现他们工作、分享、交流的机会。

       会议举办地Ventotene是位于意大利Pontine 岛的一个风景优美的胜地,从古罗马时期开始的一个旅游胜地。阳光、沙滩、碧水、美食必然为会议带来无穷的乐趣。

The 7th edition of the International School on Organic Photovoltaics (ISOPHOS®) is organized by the Center for Hybrid and Organic Solar Energy (CHOSE) - University of Rome Tor Vergata, DYERS and the DESTINY Marie Curie initial training network.

The school is focused on recent advances in science and technology of organic and hybrid photovoltaic devices, including small molecules, polymers and dye solar cells as main topics.

Introductory and advanced lectures, held by world-recognized experts from academia and hi-tech industry in the hybrid and organic photovoltaics, will lead the attendee to this fascinating world. This is a unique opportunity to allow people from the different areas of research (chemistry, physics and engineering) to meet together and discuss about the subject.

The school is dedicated to PhDs, Post Docs and researchers who are interested to acquire an updated knowledge in this field. Moreover, a special session will give to students the opportunity to present their own work to share ideas and solutions.

The 7th International School on Organic Photovoltaics will be held from the 3rd till 7st of June 2013 in the wonderful atmosphere of Ventotene (Italy), one of the Pontine Islands in the Tyrrhenian Sea, a very famous location for tourism and nature since the Ancient Roman Age. Sun, wonderful seashores, shining water and typical food will be the framework of the lectures. The lectures will be given in the Council Room of the Ventotene City Hall. An excursion to near Santo Stefano island will be organized to enjoy the sea, the island and to rest a little bit...





